November 6, 2019 | #FliptheScript, Videos
Flip the Script – Harmony (Video*)
Schools come in all different shapes and sizes and because of this, it is easy to see why choosing a school can start to feel more like grocery shopping. I want this item. Does the school have it? My child likes this “product.” Does this school give it to us? For better or worse, there is no perfect school on earth. With this in mind, other questions should come to the forefront. What kind of person do I want my child to become? How will their education shape their view of what is good? How will I be forced to add to or undo what my child learns at school with limited time at home? Is this even possible? These are questions that move toward integration. Parents begin to seek a school that harmonizes with their understanding of the “big picture” in life. This isn’t just desirable for parents. It is necessary for students as well. With the speed of change in the surrounding culture and the rapid rise of mental health issues in students, developing children look for a firm place to stand especially when they are outside the home. Without that, they will display the effects of a disjointed school experience. So, what does all this have to do with a colorful baby toy? Click the video to find out. . .